I recall storytime for me in my primary school days, sitting under the large Poui tree in the schoolyard with our teacher Mrs. B, just before the second afternoon recess period. A class of about 23 children gathered at her feet awaiting the words in the book to leap off the page and into our not-so-little imaginations.

Although we all looked forward to hearing her read to us out in the open fresh air, the collection of stories we had available were all too well-known.

Tales ranged from our local ‘Anansi’ stories to traditional ones like Hansel and Gretel.

It was the ultimate of ‘spoilers’ knowing the end of each story.

Okay, so she marries the prince at the end, but what if we could have an alternate ending with a different fate?

That is the brilliant concept of a fun new interactive story app called Twisted Tales by Auckland-based Sonnar Interactive.

Disclosure: I was given this app in exchange for an honest review.

Red riding hood

Twisted Tales combines the elements of an audiobook, visual reading and interactive game all in one.

Your child has the ability to experience the story from the viewpoint of different characters as well as choose alternate paths, with interesting outcomes and consequences.

twisted tales

The Tales feature professional voice actors and sound effects that really bring the stories to life.

Through choices made by the reader, the story has twists and turns that are unexpected and unconventional.

I think that this is a fun way to revive the stories that we grew up with as well as introduce a new way of storytelling to younger generations.

Twisted Tales would be a great read at home, in a classroom or under-the-Poui-tree setting.

Storytime will never be the same again.

Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood are available to start the family on its reading adventures; Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland and The Jungle Book are due to be released in 2018.

I look forward to seeing more from Sonnar Interactive.

The apps are available on:


ios appstore