“Don’t wish it was easier wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom”

~ Jim Rohn

Let’s face it, life can be hard sometimes and it is easy to become discouraged and give up on our goals.

According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we all ultimately strive for self-actualization once our basic needs are met. At a deep level, we want to reach our fullest potential.

We have goals that we want to see achieved and it can feel that there are so many obstacles to fulfilling that dream but we have to keep keeping on. See it to the finish.

There are many successful people that we encounter in our lives, whether in the flesh or through the media, but what we do not see are the struggles that some of these individuals had to endure to get to where they are.

Thomas Edison tried 10000 ways to invent the light bulb before he was successful. He never gave up. He had a positive attitude about it that I have always found admirable.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison

never give up

Use the obstacle as a path to growth

Have you ever shared a goal or aspiration with a trusted family member or friend only to have them essentially stomp on your dream? They shoot it down or perhaps tell you to focus on something else because you are not cut out for what you would like to achieve?

Well, I strongly believe that you should use that as fuel to further ignite your passion and motivation to succeed even more.

Who knows why they are discouraging you from reaching your goal. Perhaps they feel limited in themselves and want to keep you down? Whatever it may be, that is their business…not yours!

Learn from your mistakes

How can you learn from your mistakes? If you fail, how have you gained in other ways? Did you learn a new skill that you may be able to use in the future?

No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. If you have made mistakes it means that you are working and not sitting around, becoming discouraged, allowing life to pass you by and that in itself is great. On to the next challenge!

do not be discouraged

Don’t compare yourself to anyone

Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others. There is nothing wrong with looking to a role model for inspiration to help you on your path but do not become consumed by thoughts that because you may not ‘be there’ yet that you are not good enough.

It will take time. Rome was not built in a day.

Just take it one day at a time and keep your eye on the prize.

Your journey is YOUR journey. The empire you build will be yours and no one else’s. You will have something to offer that is different and uniquely you.

It is like my favourite quote from Marie Forleo:

“The world needs that special gift that only you have.”

So don’t try to be anyone but yourself.

Be realistic

Don’t be hard on yourself expecting too much too soon. This will cause burn out. Even if you feel overwhelmed, you need to take a step back, breathe and re-evaluate your plan. Experiment until you find that sweet spot that works for you.

If for example, you are forcing yourself to work at night and you find that you are tired and not being very productive, then try waking up an hour or two earlier in the morning to see if that is the best time for you.

Don’t stress

Stress is a killer of productivity. It can lead you to engage in bad habits that will sabotage your efforts and put you even more in a downward spiral.

Find helpful stress management techniques to help you to unwind and get back on track.

Don’t give up!

You will be tried and tested, and there may be the fear of failure, that’s okay. Do not be discouraged. Just keep at it. Your day is coming. Your journey is not in vain.

Reward yourself

Every bit of progress towards your goal is a triumph. Every obstacle overcome is a victory. Celebrate that! You did it on your own. Now look forward to doing more and being better! You have grown.

“The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them.”

~ Jim Rohn

Stay motivated!
