Cold Process Soapmaking

Wine soap

Wine is one of the many additives that can be incorporated into soap to add benefits or improve the quality and feel of the final bar.  It promotes a stable, rich, and luxurious lather due to its natural sugars and may also contain antioxidants and vitamins that can be beneficial to the skin. Wine handmade […]

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Christmas Soap

I always look forward to the Christmas season here in sweet T and T – parang music, poinsettia plants, pastelles, and of course, I get to make Christmas soap. The soap I had in mind was based on texture and confetti – not too much colour and swirls, but vibrant specks of green and red […]

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Goat milk and honey soap

This creamy Goat Milk and Honey soap is gentle on the skin while providing many benefits due to its fatty acid composition. Goat milk is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. It contains alpha-hydroxy acids such as lactic acid, which acts as a humectant, attracting water to help keep the skin moisturized.  Lactic acid also […]

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Creamy chocolate and coconut milk soap

This moisturizing chocolate and coconut milk soap is very luxurious and creamy. The natural sugars in the coconut milk contribute to a fluffy lather while the cocoa helps to slough off dead skin cells to smooth and brighten the skin. Natural cocoa also contains flavonoids which are plant compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties […]

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Hanger Swirl Soap

One thing I love about making handmade soaps is the ability to be as creative as you want. There are so many swirls and techniques that can be applied to cold process soap to really create eye-catching designs. From mantra swirls, to picturesque and realistic landscapes the sky is the limit when it comes to […]

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Avocado and Green Tea Soap for Men

This soap was made just for men, an Avocado and Green Tea Soap. It has been a while since I made a soap with a more masculine fragrance. It was my intention to make a men’s soap in time for Father’s Day but alas, things did not happen as planned. For this soap, I chose […]

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Aloe Vera and Cucumber Soap Recipe

Growing up, I remember my Granny always had aloe vera growing in the yard. These plants were treated like a precious commodity and she tended to them with love and care to ensure that they produced thick and healthy succulent leaves. At home, it was used as a healing salve, on inflamed or sunburned skin, […]

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Turmeric and Ginger Handmade Soap

Turmeric, part of the ginger family, contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to be beneficial in skincare. It has been used for centuries in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine to treat various ailments and it is well-known throughout India to treat hyperpigmentation, reduce redness and promote even skin tone. Both turmeric and ginger […]

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Moringa Mint soap

Within the last four years or so I started hearing about Moringa and its numerous uses for health. There was a sudden surge in interest in the plant and it was becoming popular due to its nutritional and medicinal properties. Now it seems that in Trinidad and Tobago, everyone, their Uncle and Tanty has a […]

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Activated Charcoal and Sea clay soap

Activated Charcoal has been used for centuries dating back to the ancient Egyptians and in healing traditions such as Ayurveda in India. But what is activated charcoal and what are its benefits? Activated charcoal is produced by super-heating natural carbon sources such as bamboo, coconut or wood using steam. This causes the molecules in the […]

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