Have you ever thought about someone you haven’t spoken to in a while and suddenly the phone rings and it’s that person?
Perhaps you are driving through a busy mall carpark looking for a parking spot when ‘something’ mentally nudges you to go in a particular area and while driving you see a lady just pulling out leaving the space open for you?
Some call this a hunch, or ‘gut feeling’, some just chalk it up to a coincidence.
For most people, it cannot be denied that there is an inner knowing and guidance that we all possess.
This is our intuition.
Intuition, also called the sixth sense and extra sensory perception or ESP, has been studied and written about throughout centuries – from the popular Greek philosopher Plato, psychologist Carl Jung, the American artist and author, Florence Scovel Shinn, to today’s neuroscientists such as Dr. Joe Dispenza.
The Cambridge Dictionary defines intuition as:
(knowledge from) an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts
Napolean Hill, author of the famous book Think and Grow Rich, after analyzing “over one hundred men and women who achieved success in their respective callings,” found that they possessed the ability to ‘tune in’ and sense information with their minds.
He believed that it is possible for anyone to develop and use this ability.
“The individual who discovers a way to stimulate his mind artificially, arouse it and cause it to go beyond this average stopping point frequently is sure to be rewarded with fame and fortune if his efforts are of a constructive nature.” ~ Napolean Hill, The Law of Success
Why You Should Develop Your Intuition
Developing your intuition or ESP can benefit you in many ways, some of which are mentioned below:
- It can help you determine your life’s purpose
- It can keep you away from harmful situations
- It can help you to help others
- You can use it to correct problems in your life
- You can connect with other people
- You can use it to detect information
- It can help you make good business decisions
- It can help you improve personal relationships
- It can help you maintain good health and wellness
- It can bring out your creative ideas

How Do You Develop Your Intuition?
Developing your intuition means learning how to use more of your mind, to access your subconscious mind and program it to detect and obtain information.
The mind training program to reliably develop your intuition is the Silva UltraMind ESP System.
What is the Silva UltraMind ESP System?
The Silva Ultramind ESP System is a program of mind training techniques created by a pioneer in mind science, Mr José Silva.
It contains scientifically tested and proven guided meditations that will enable you to enter the alpha state of mind.
Mr. Silva through his research found that the alpha level, the centre of the brain frequency spectrum, at which your brain waves slow down to 7 to 14 cycles per second, is the ideal level for dynamic meditation or mental programming, and increasing creativity and intuition.
Prolific thinkers like Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison were known for doing their thinking at the alpha level.
In this system, there are just two steps to learning how to use your intuition:
- Relax your entire body, head to toe and quieten your mind through the Silva Centering Exercise.
- Use imagination and visualization to activate the subjective or subconscious mind to analyze and access information.

The Silva Centering Exercise
The Silva Centering Exercise is the heart of all Silva techniques. It is a guided meditation that teaches you how to relax mind and body to enter the alpha brain-wave level.
The exercise teaches you how to successfully enter this level of mind at will using the 3 to 1 method:
- Level 3 is for physical relaxation of the entire body
- Level 2 is for mental relaxation
- Level 1 is the alpha level
Many people the world over from India to the Americas have been using the Silva programs with great success.
Some of the most renowned are:
- Dr. Wayne Dyer – author of The Power of Intention
- Shakti Gawain – author of Creative Visualization
- Mark Victor Hansen – coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul
- Burt Goldman, The American Monk – author of Quantum Jumping
- Dr. Robert B. Stone – coauthor of You The Healer
Experience the Silva Centering Exercise For Free
You can experience this meditation right now for free. Go to the Silva Now website to stream or download this remarkable relaxation technique.
For more information on developing your intuition to improve your life and achieve success, visit the Silva Ultramind ESP System website.
“So that when we move on, we shall have left behind a better world.” ~José Silva