“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Through the journey of life so far, I have come to find that making time to simply identify the things there are to be grateful for can have a positive impact in my life.
So often we are bombarded with negativity through the many forms of media we are exposed to today and this can make us feel overwhelmed and as though there is not much good in the world, and this is so far from true.
Taking time in the day to establish a daily gratitude ritual can bring so many benefits to us and help to overcome the constant onslaught of negativity that comes our way.
“The more gratefully we fix our minds on the Supreme when good things come to us, the more good things we will receive, and the more rapidly they will come; and the reason simply is that the mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into closer touch with the source from which the blessings come.” ~ Wallace D. Wattles
One way that you can embed a gratitude ritual into your day is to pair it with something that you do on a daily basis. For example, for me, this is when I apply my special fragrance or perfume after I shower- and living in the tropics, showers can be at least twice daily, so I get to do my ritual more than once a day.
Essentially, after my bath, I take a few minutes to say aloud or quietly within my mind all the things that I have to be grateful for at that moment. It may be appreciation for the life of those closest to me, family and friends, a bag of oranges that the neighbour left for me in my gallery/porch, that I had a really productive day- even the opportunity to be of service to someone can be something to truly be grateful for. Then I spritz myself to complete the ritual.
This has become such a part of my life that I never go without saying the things that I am grateful for. If I am in a rush, I will say them in the shower straight up until I am ready to spritz the fragrance.
On a bad day when I may have had a not-too-nice experience, in my moment of gratitude, seeing that there are still so many wonderful things going on in my life, makes the trial not seem so insurmountable.
I encourage you to find your own ways to fit gratitude into your daily living. Come up with your own unique style of ritualizing it so that it becomes a part of you.
Life is so short. Appreciate every moment and see the blessings in every day. Gratitude is truly an important and essential component towards living in bliss.
Feel free to share your gratitude ritual. How has it benefitted you in your life?
Stay Motivated,