Note: Before you continue, please know that at this time ACX is open only to residents of the following countries – United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Ireland.
Audiobooks are becoming very popular among book lovers.
You can listen to a book while waiting in line at the bank, working out at the gym, or simply at home relaxing on the patio.
It can even help you to learn something new during your daily commute to work. The prolific motivational speaker Zig Ziglar particularly liked this aspect and coined the term ‘Automobile University’ for time spent educating yourself while travelling in your car listening to seminars, lectures and books in audio format.

As someone who likes to maximize the use of time, I absolutely love audiobooks.
My favourite time to listen to them is to pair them with routine tasks like household chores. The chores become something that I look forward to and, as my favourite genre of books is nonfiction, I get to learn or discover something new in the process.
According to on a report by The Association of American Publishers (AAP) of 2018 revenue statistics for consumer book publishers :
“The most noticeable increase was in audiobook sales, jumping by 37.1%, an additional $127.1 million since 2017. The AAP notes that downloaded audio (as opposed to physical audiobook formats) has been the format with the most growth since 2013. “This is the third consecutive year that audiobooks saw double-digit growth (+37.1%) and eBook revenue declined (-3.6%),” the AAP report says.”
With this increase, authors and traditional publishing houses are now, more than ever, looking to get their books in audiobook format to take advantage of the growing trend.
There are also writing coaches and websites such as Author Media, that are encouraging authors to create more audiobooks to grow their readership.
It is such a treat when you come across a narrator that can deliver a great performance and get you swept up in the words of a book – whether it be fiction or non-fiction. They hold your interest and deliver the information or story in such a way that you fully absorb what is being said.
How would you like to become a part of this unique and rewarding business; to work and make money from the comfort of your home?
If you love to read and believe that you have what it takes to be a narrator then here is an opportunity to use your voice by becoming an audiobook narrator with ACX.

What is ACX?
ACX stands for Audiobook Creation Exchange and it is brought to you by, an subsidiary.
“ACX is a marketplace where authors, literary agents, publishers, and other Rights Holders can connect with narrators, engineers, recording studios, and other Producers capable of producing a finished audiobook.”
If you already write and publish ebooks, you can narrate your own books and sell them on Audible and Amazon or other platforms like iTunes to create another income stream. If however, you have never published a book in your life you can still become a narrator and earn money from producing audiobooks.
How it Works
In a nutshell, you create a profile on ACX, upload a variety of book-based audio samples to demonstrate your style in your chosen genres. Next, you would then audition, using manuscripts provided by the authors, for books you would like to narrate.
When you receive an offer from an author or Rights Holder, you record 15 minutes of the audiobook which the Rights Holder will then further approve. You then proceed narrating the book, finish the recording, to the Rights Holder’s standards, and you get paid!
Click here to see the 10 steps to becoming a narrator on ACX – from creating your profile, to receiving payment and getting more work.
Visit the ACX profile of award-winning audiobook narrator, Heather Firth
How Do You Get Paid?
There are two ways to get paid for your narration:
- Royalty Share – Share sale royalties 50% with the Rights Holder
- PFH or Per-Finished-Hour Rate, which is a flat rate you charge that is paid upon completion of the audiobook.
Beyond these, ACX also has a Bounty Referral Program where you would earn US$75.00 every time your unique links lead to a new Audible membership.

What Skills or Qualities Do You Need To Become A Narrator?
Although you do not need experience to get started on ACX, some of the qualities and skills you would need as an audiobook narrator are:
- Clear pleasant voice
- Stamina to complete the jobs you audition for
- Self-Management
- Organization
- Communication skills
Creating a Home Studio
Having a home studio is crucial to creating high-quality audio.
You can successfully set up an inexpensive studio right in your home to record your projects. You can buy equipment from Amazon or source them second-hand.
What Equipment Do You Need
Below is a very basic list of equipment that you will need to start recording audio.
- Microphone – USB microphone that plugs directly into your computer
- Pop Filter
- Microphone Stand
- Noise Cancelling Headphones
- Computer or Laptop
- Voice editing software
- External Hard drive to save your work
- A comfortable chair that will not creak or squeak
Later on, as you grow in your business, you can purchase higher end equipment and other accessories like Acoustic Foam Panels – Microphone Isolation Shield, Microphone Reflection Filter etc.
ACX: Setting up a Home Studio
Recording Software
There are numerous recording programs on the market, some of which can be pricey but one of the most popular software used by voice-over artists and narrators is the open source audio software Audacity.
Not only is Audacity user-friendly and great for producing quality audio, but is it free!
There are also free Audacity tutorial videos on YouTube.
If you would like an all-in-one course to learn to use the program there is an Audacity course on Udemy or check out Audiobooks With Audacity by audiobook narrator Krystal Wascher.
Create Audio Samples
To be found on the ACX platform as a narrator you will have to have at least one audio sample on your profile, although the more samples you have, the easier it will be for authors to find you.
So, once you have set up your recording area and equipment, start creating your samples.
It is advised to use text from books – in other words, do not submit samples from other projects you may have done, such as a podcast or YouTube video audio.
If you do not have any book titles from which to record, you can use books that are in the Public Domain from sites such as Project Gutenberg.
Upload as many samples to your profile as you would like. In some cases, you can be booked for projects without even having to audition, simply by authors discovering your samples.
Click here to listen to sample narrations on ACX
Choosing Books To Narrate
You should choose books that you would read in your spare time: books that you would enjoy reading.
What is your favourite genre? If you like motivational, non-fiction books then this may be best for you.
Perhaps you may prefer children’s stories or thrillers – performing characters and bringing the author’s work to life!
Audible itself has 26 Categories each broken down into subcategories, from which you can choose. Some of these are:
- Arts and Entertainment
- Bios and Memoirs
- Classics
- Fiction
- Health and Fitness
- Mysteries and Thrillers
- Nonfiction
- Romance
- Self-Development
- …and more

Building Your Skills
Always keep learning so that you can hone your skills to stand out from your competitors by studying audio production, different types of narration as well as business practices.
The ACX blog has a wealth of information and articles to movitate and help you grow as a freelance narrator.
You will also find tips on how to promote your work through social media, YouTube videos, podcasting, starting a blog and other places where you can introduce yourself and link to your books
For more information on getting started as an audiobook narrator with ACX, visit their website.